
Friday, March 27, 2020

Class trip

Mr Goodwin took Room 7 on a class trip. Everyone was super excited because he won the trip by entering a competition. Funny thing is, not one of the permission forms actually said where the class was going. Finally Mr Goodwin announced it “We are going to Kelly Tarltons today so we got onto the bus and off we went.

Then when we got to kelly tarltons my class went down the stairs and entered  Kelly Tarltons then we
went to the colouring station and coloured in a fish and printed it on the screen where you will see your
fish. Then we went to the cafe tables and had morning tea,we ate an apple and drank a box of milk.
Then we walked all around the building and looked at some beautiful creatures.Then we had lunch and
had a quick look at the octopus and then we got on the bus and went back to school.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

8-Bit Art

Disaster Walk

On a blissful summer day, Mr Goodwin decided to take Poppy for a beautiful walk along the Tamaki river. They were both enjoying the walk when suddenly Poppy began to bark fiercely at a white polar wolf. When Poppy barked at the wolf the wolf started to run so Poppy started to chase it but instead he ran back because he knew that Mr Goodwin won't be happy that Poppy chased after it.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Superhero Writing

If I had a superpower I would have telekinesis, teleport or invisibility.With telekinesis I would make things come to instead of walking to go get it,or with teleport I could go anywhere in the world.With invisibility I would disappear and give people a fright. I think my options of powers are an awesome choice.If you look at the powers I chose they look so cool that you might think it looks fake.But When you do one of the powers on yourself it feels so cool. With my powers I would save the whole entire world.I could use my powers to save our country from whatever is happening that's not supposed to happen. Having these superpowers is awesome because If I did have these superpowers I won't have to find it hard I would have it easy.

This week my number is...

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Warriors lost for 2020

Camp Letter

Dear Mr. Somerville 

Thank you for your organisation with the camp by bringing care to me
 by asking some teachers and parents for the security and the chefs.

Without you we would have not had any camp.

Thanks again for the organisation for the camp.

Yours Sincerely
